This Fowl adventure is filled with the most unusual of individuals: an immortal duke, a miniature troll, a nunterrogator and a Police Specialist that's 42% elf. And of course, the Fowl twins (Goodreads).
Not only does Colfer return to the world of Fowl in this spinoff tale, he also returns to form as he showcases just how truly mesmerizing his writing can be (no pun intended). The two leads are engaging and play well off of each other with a mix of heart and wit, and the plot is engaging throughout with Colfer's signature quippy narration. The rest of the cast isn't quite as remarkable, but they do their jobs well enough. The story differentiates itself from the original series just enough to be original, while maintaining the original charm and smarts needed in a Fowl story. Disbelief must be suspended slightly too much here, and the final climax goes on a little too long, but overall, the narration and Fowl nature of Colfer is what really shines and makes this book a worthy continuation of the original bestselling series. 8.0/10
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