Friday, 30 October 2015

Ken Reid: Hockey Card Stories (2014)

Hockey Card Stories reveals what was really going on in your favourite old hockey cards through the eyes of the players depicted on them. (Goodreads)

A great insight into incredible and hilarious tales from the cardboard. Sportsnet analyst Ken Reid interviews former NHLers who have great tales about their own cards. Reid interviews both legends and players who had careers of only one game. One downside is the limited span of years on the cards, most being from the 70s-80s. I would have liked to see some newer ones, but all in all, an interesting perspective on one of the country's most popular hobbies. 8.2/10


  1. You are ranking a book about hockey cards higher than you ranked "The Lord of the Rings"!?

    1. Not the entire series, just the first book.
